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Black Assassins play the Jets Sports Club 1The Jets Sports Club,
5th May 2007

The Black Assassins
John Kennedy's '68 Comeback Special

The Black Assassins at the Jets Sports Club.                       photo: Paul Scott

The Black Assassins joined with fellow old Brisbane refugees, John Kennedy's '68 Comeback Special (previously JFK & the Cuban Crisis) to play a party in the Sydney suburb of Tempe. The last and only previous time The Black Assassins played in Sydney was in 1989, at Paddington RSL. Their performance at the Jets Sports Club featured a reworking of the Black Assassins' anti-uranium mining song Death Comes To Townsville. Retitled "Death Comes To Sydney", it foreshadowed the potential horror involved in the current Australian Government's plans for Nuclear Power -- complete with a life-size dummy of Prime Minister John Howard who's head mutated from having two to three eyes during the show. Given a long time between gigs and lack of rehearsal, the Assassins' show was musically shambolic in the fine tradition of the band and appeared to be well enjoyed by a crowd of 300 people. This performance by the Black Assassins ended after only 5 songs due to the police raiding the gig. See the photos and video below

Black Assassins get blurry at the Jets Sports Club

Black Assassins distort the time-space continuum. Or did they just distort?     photo: Liz Willis

People dancing to the Black Assassins

People dancing to the Black Assassins at the Jets Sports Club.                         photo: Paul Scott

People dancing to the Black Assassins at the Jets Sports ClubClub

More dancing to the Black Assassins.                                                            photo: James Edwards

Police arrive at Black Assassins gig
The dance floor in front of the Black Assassins clears as the police arrive.       photo: Paul Scott

You'll need a Quicktime plug In in your browser to view this mobile phone footage of the Black Assassins at the Jets Sporst Club shot by Matt Brunner.